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How to Choose the Perfect Homeschool Curriculum

by Cheri Stutzman | Nov 05, 2019 | 3 min read

Choosing a homeschool curriculum can be a daunting task. There are hundreds of different programs out there all advertising to be the best. You want the right program for your kids, but which one do you choose?

Good question! Here are some things you can ask to help you narrow down your options and choose the perfect program for your kids.

Does it match your child’s learning style?

Every child learns differently; your kids are no exception! Maybe your first grader is extremely active and can’t sit still for hours at a time. They might be a kinesthetic learner and need a program that keeps them active and engaged. Your fifth grader, on the other hand, might be a visual learner, learning best through books or textbooks.

Knowing your child’s learning styles will help you narrow down curriculum options so you can find one that will help them learn best. You wouldn’t want to choose a textbook-based program for your kinesthetic learner and a program geared toward auditory learners for your visual learner. Try to match the program with your child’s learning styles and it will help your school year fly by smoother.

Don’t know your child’s learning style? Discover it using our Learning Style Assessment!

What do you want your year to look like?

Homeschooling will look different for every family. Before you start looking for a curriculum, decide what you want your school year to look like. Do you want it to be more traditional? Or do you want your kids to have more freedom and learn through life and play?

Different homeschool programs will cater to different homeschooling styles, and you want to make sure you choose one that matches your vision for the year.

What are your child’s needs?

Every child has different strengths and weaknesses, and you should choose a program geared toward those. Do they struggle with numbers and math? Pick a curriculum that breaks down math concepts in an understandable way to help them fully comprehend what they are learning. Or maybe your child is the opposite and loves math. Look into math curricula that are harder and will challenge him/her. There are hundreds of different curriculum options that cover a wide range of levels; your job is to choose which one will help your child learn best.

How much time do you have to invest?

Sometimes life can get in the way of homeschooling. Before you choose a homeschool curriculum, look ahead to the year or semester and determine how much time you’ll have to invest.

Do you have a lot of time to spend homeschooling? Then look for programs that allow you to interact a lot with your kids! Are you working part-time (or full-time) or involved in multiple activities? Maybe look into programs that allow your kids to learn independently, or check out Live Online Classes where the teaching and grading are done for you. Trying to do a homeschool program that involves more time than you or your kids have to invest can lead to a bumpy school year.

Does it have good reviews?

There are TONS of homeschool programs out there; some good and some not so good. Before you invest in a curriculum, read some reviews about it. What do other people say? Did they like it? What aspects were good about it and what weren’t? Many homeschool bloggers like Simple Homeschool, and YouTubers such as Homeschool On The Hill, provide detailed reviews on the curriculum they use and can help you determine whether or not it’s something that will work for your family.

It isn’t impossible to find the right homeschool curriculum for your family! Take time to research and ask questions like these to help you determine your family’s curriculum needs.

A homeschool curriculum can make your homeschool year a success or a failure. Taking the time to choose the right one from the start will help you have a successful year.

What specific things do you look for in a homeschool program? How do you choose which ones to use?




Cheri Stutzman
Personalized Education Like No Other!
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