Independent Online Courses

Take charge of your learning journey with self-paced courses from Bridgeway Academy.

Self-Paced Online Homeschool Courses
for All Ages

Designed for grades 1-12, these comprehensive courses seamlessly integrate into your homeschool plans, offering flexibility while providing a full-quality online learning experience. High school students can even pursue certificates for electives like CAD, Adobe products, Architectural Design and more.

Accredited, independent online courses from Bridgeway Academy allow students to learn at their own pace, with diverse subject options from top online publishers.

See Course Options

Bridgeway Academy Independent Online Homeschool Courses

  • Offer core courses and elective options for Grades 1-12
  • Allow students to learn at their own pace at any time of the day
  • Include grading support
  • Foster independence and self-direction
  • Offer options for project-based, hands-on learning options
  • Options for high school students to pursue certifications in CAD, Adobe, Construction, and more!
Elementary School
Middle School
High School

Open a world of online learning with Discover! Blended Courses for grades 1-6. Discover! courses:

  • Offer engaging lessons in all core subjects
  • Promote project-based learning and discovery
  • Foster independence and creativity
  • Include faith-based extensions
See Course Options

Give your middle schoolers the reins and foster independence in a safe online environment.

  • Core and elective courses in all subject areas
  • Grow independence and self-directed learning
  • Multiple publishers to choose from
  • Access to the Bridgeway Learning Community
See Course Options
homeschool classroom ideas, homeschool classroom setup

Challenge your high schoolers and give them opportunities for growth and beyond.

  • Over 100 Core and Elective Courses
  • Self-Graded Assignments
  • Gain Certification and Hands-On Experience
  • CAD, Adobe, Architectural Design, and more!
See Course Options

Open a world of online learning with Discover! Blended Courses for grades 1-6. Discover! courses:

  • Offer engaging lessons in all core subjects
  • Promote project-based learning and discovery
  • Foster independence and creativity
  • Include faith-based extensions
See Course Options
Elementary School

Give your middle schoolers the reins and foster independence in a safe online environment.

  • Core and elective courses in all subject areas
  • Grow independence and self-directed learning
  • Multiple publishers to choose from
  • Access to the Bridgeway Learning Community
See Course Options
Middle School
homeschool classroom ideas, homeschool classroom setup

Challenge your high schoolers and give them opportunities for growth and beyond.

  • Over 100 Core and Elective Courses
  • Self-Graded Assignments
  • Gain Certification and Hands-On Experience
  • CAD, Adobe, Architectural Design, and more!
See Course Options
High School

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Two student high five

A Commitment to Excellence in Homeschool Programs

For over 30 years, Bridgeway Academy has helped more than 30,000 K-12 homeschool families at all levels of academic ability. We customize each curriculum package to your child’s needs based on learning style, personality style, educational level, and future goals.

We specialize in customized, flexible homeschooling programs that set your child up for success, and we have a program for every student!

Learn More About Bridgeway

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