Blended Learning: Learning Beyond Boundaries

Homeschool Guides
Blended Learning: Learning Beyond Boundaries

Discover what blended learning is and how it can enrich your elementary student’s education.

What is Blended Learning?

Put simply, blended learning offers students the best of both online and traditional learning models. Bridgeway’s goal is for elementary students to “learn without boundaries,” meaning they take advantage of both learning models to make the entire world their classroom. Using a smart combination of textbook-based lessons and online elements, blended learning helps students learn the way they know best—at their own speed and in their own style. In turn, this combination of methods helps develop age-appropriate skill sets and fuel a desire to learn more, even beyond their grade level.

What Are the Benefits of Blended Learning?

There are quite a few. Aside from providing students both traditional and online methods of learning, blended learning extends the homeschool experience beyond the classroom walls by helping develop critical-thinking and problem-solving skills while fostering communication, collaboration, and global awareness. Plus, blended learning helps children become more self-sufficient by encouraging them to seek answers and solutions by independently researching and exploring resources that are available to them—a skill that will greatly benefit them later in life.

To learn more about our blended learning and our Homeschool Academy program, click here or call 800.863.1474.