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February Homechool Creative Writing Prompts for Kids: Write a Letter to Yourself

by Jessica Parnell | Feb 03, 2016 | 2 min read

When you look back on your life, maybe 10 or 15 years ago, it’s surprising to see how much you have changed over time.  Your experiences, your friends and your family have all shaped you into the person you are now.  But where will you be in another few years? How will you have changed by then?  Take some time to allow your students to dream about their future and keep these letters as a memento they can reread as they grow.

This exercise can help you and your students in many ways:

    • Each of your children will be encouraged to build creative thinking skills. So many times as we grow older, we lose the wonder and excitement of thinking outside-of-the-box. We focus on what’s important at this moment and forget to dream about what our future can bring.  This exercise helps each child reach for the stars, realizing that the sky really is the limit!

    • By dreaming of their future, this writing assignment becomes personal and exciting. It’s no longer another boring assignment about someone else’s work, but instead it’s reflective of their own life and future. Now that they are engaged, it’s the perfect time to use all of those fun adverbs and adjectives, letting them discover their unique expressive voice. Keep a thesaurus close at hand so that when they need help finding more creative expressions, they can research the words as they go.

    • Writing a letter to themselves for the future will give each child goals to accomplish. No matter what the dream, they can start taking steps now while they are in school to pursue their passions. Every opportunity can be a stepping stone to get closer to that future goal.  

    • Many parents would love the opportunity to see into their child’s heart, understanding their passions so they can better support their dreams. And this is the perfect opportunity to do so!  Once your kids write their letters, you can work together and encourage them to pursue each of their future adventures.

When you share your hopes and dreams for the future, you’re not just expressing an idea.  You’re also imparting your thoughts through words, which is one of the most important aspects of communication.  And it’s a tool that your child will take with them for the rest of their life. The following PBS News Hour Extra lesson plan is a great resource for parents looking for a step-by-step guide to teaching their children how to write a letter to their future selves.

Remember to keep these letters safe and review at the end of each year to see the growth and changes in each of your children as time goes by. And down the road, once your kids are in high school, you can encourage them to respond to those letters by writing a letter to their younger self. You can address questions like, what wisdom would you impart to yourself?  How has your perspective changed over the years?  Are these still the same passions or goals that you currently have?  How did those thoughts and dreams change and morph into what they are today?  Learning how to take time and reflect on your growth gives students and adults a cathartic way to evaluate life and focus on their future.

What are some pieces of advice you would offer your younger self?  We would love to hear your thoughts in the comments below!  And don’t forget to follow our blog and facebook page for more homeschooling tips.

Jessica Parnell
Hello everyone! I’m Jessica Parnell — mom, homeschool evaluator, teacher, and CEO of Bridgeway Academy. In my 20+ years of experience as a homeschool mom and evaluator, I have had the privilege of meeting homeschoolers that take a variety of approaches to their education. It is their many stories and successes that inspire me in my own homeschooling and I love to pass on the knowledge that I have gained from them to other homeschooling families. The one constant that always remains true is that there’s no such thing as a “cookie cutter child.” Each child is fearfully and wonderfully made and as a result, learns and functions differently. It’s our job to ensure that we’re raising each child to fulfill their individual purpose and when we can teach in a way that inspires them, we are on our way to homeschool success. When I’m not writing or teaching my children, I like to ski, write and participate in triathlons. I graduated from Kutztown University with a Bachelor of Science in Education and a Masters in English and I am currently pursuing a degree in Neuroleadership.
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