Homeschooling Resources at Your Fingertips

Category: Learning Styles

It’s the season for the summer Olympics! Are you tuning in to the 2024 Summer Olympic event or catching the highlights on your favorite media platforms? Let’s explore the historical timeline of famous Olympic athletes…

Congratulations! You’ve helped your child every step of the way in their academic journey, and now it’s time to prepare them for the real world. Whether they’re moving on to college, trade school, a new…

We are firmly in the 21st century. Gone are the days when students simply showed up to school, listened to lessons from their teachers, and were sent home with paper copies of homework or assignments.…

Studies show many different ways that our brain processes and retains information. These methods are often referred to as learning styles. There are three main categories of learning styles: auditory, visual, and kinesthetic (hands-on). And…

So many publishers and courses. Even more titles. If you’re new to homeschooling–or even a homeschool pro–you might be wondering where to even start when looking for the right homeschool curriculum for your student. After…

Apr 15 | 3 min read | Learning Styles New to Homeschooling

If you’re choosing to supplement your homeschooling routine with online learning or researching a fully-online program for your child, you know that there are thousands of options to choose from. Online learning just keeps growing…

Did you know Facebook was founded in 2004? Or that MySpace (may it rest in peace) was the forerunner? Or that cell phones were once giant bricks with big antennas? Within my lifetime, technology has…

Children have a natural propensity to learn. Imagine a 10-month-old discovering the world: they reach out to grab things, feeling textures and looking at colors with a big curiosity for how things work. That natural…

Oct 01 | 3 min read | Learning Styles Tips & Ideas

From the time my son was in preschool and we started down the homeschooling route, we had always expected to teach him at home all the way through high school. That is still our plan;…

May 07 | 3 min read | Curriculum Learning Styles

Whether you’re a first-time homeschooler or you’re a seasoned textbook homeschooler, crossing over into online homeschooling can be different and challenging for many reasons. That’s why we’re here to help you learn how to homeschool…

It seems like yesterday that I was sitting at my desk, reading through assignments and textbooks. We only had one computer and I had to share it with the family, so time online was limited.…

Nov 27 | 2 min read | Learning Styles New to Homeschooling

I googled “educational apps” and within 0.51 seconds received 3.6 billion results! Yes, I said 3.6 billion! What an incentive to throw up my hands and refuse to enter this forest. On the other hand,…