Homeschooling Resources at Your Fingertips

Category: New to Homeschooling

It’s September, and the school year has just begun! There seems to be so much to do to stay ahead of the game — so many courses and requirements, it may seem like you can’t…

Sep 11 | 3 min read | New to Homeschooling Tips & Ideas

If you went to a public or private school, you probably remember your dreaded report card. It was either a trophy or a terror, but it provided a means to show your progress and accomplishments.…

Sep 04 | 3 min read | New to Homeschooling Tips & Ideas

As a high school student, crossing over into homeschooling can be nerve racking and unfamiliar. I’ve been there and I understand what you’re going through. Following my sophomore year of high school, I switched from…

Aug 20 | 2 min read | New to Homeschooling Tips & Ideas

While the end of August typically denotes the end of summer, it also means the beginning of the school year. This is always an exciting time because it means a fresh start, new school books,…

Aug 16 | 2 min read | New to Homeschooling Tips & Ideas

The summer heat may have you down, but hopefully not out! There’s a ton to do and learn all summer long in Missouri, and summer break is a great time to experience the sites and riches…

Living in Alaska means homeschooling can be an exciting adventure! During the summer months, the temperature typically ranges from 60 to 80 degrees Fahrenheit, making it ideal for nearly all outdoor activities. Likewise, the Alaskan…

It’s July, which means the start of the school year is right around the corner. Some of you are ready with your curriculum in hand and have already begun lesson planning. Others are waiting to…

Ah, summer! Lazy days, fun outdoors, and time to just sit and chill . . .  BUT WAIT! Despite the much-needed break, on average, kids lose 2-3 reading levels, as well as critical thinking and…

Jul 03 | 3 min read | Curriculum New to Homeschooling

“Make a difference.” “Come experience the difference.” “You can make a difference.” You’ve probably heard or read these sayings and perhaps wondered why these calls for difference sound so much alike. Often, calls for nonconformity…

Homeschooling gives teenagers freedoms not otherwise found in a traditional school system — but sometimes the walls feel like they are closing in. That feeling makes you feel a bit bonkers, right? Remember, folks, the…

Memorial Day usually marks the beginning of lazy summer days, barbecues, and time spent by the pool. But Memorial Day is so much more than a fireworks show — It’s a day to reflect and…

Homeschooling has been gaining momentum over the past decade, and it’s no mystery why: Homeschooling is producing confident, well-adjusted kids who excel academically. In many cases, homeschooled students far exceed the national average of public…