Homeschooling Resources at Your Fingertips

Category: New to Homeschooling

Entering the huge exhibit hall brings a rush of emotions. Where do I go first? Should I grab the curriculum I want now? It’s exciting, but can be overwhelming. Homeschool convention season is upon us!…

High school is an important time in your life. Two of the benefits of high school homeschooling are that you can go at your own pace, and be as creative as you want. Why be…

Mar 02 | 3 min read | New to Homeschooling Tips & Ideas

In this ever-expanding age of technology, online learning has become a new normal in education. When it comes to online homeschooling high school, there are so many possibilities to choose from. From Learning Labs to…

If you’re new to homeschooling or just considering home education, you may have fallen prey to more than a few homeschool myths and misunderstandings without even knowing it. Some should make you laugh, like “homeschool…

Jan 29 | 2 min read | New to Homeschooling

Making the switch to homeschooling in the middle of the school year may sound a little daunting, but it’s completely doable. And, if you’re child isn’t thriving or has lost their love for learning, it’s…

Jan 23 | < 1 min read | Curriculum New to Homeschooling Tips & Ideas

When I was in high school, we took a trip to Washington. D.C. As we walked up the steps of the Lincoln Memorial (and there are a LOT of steps), I felt chills as we…

Jan 12 | 3 min read | New to Homeschooling Tips & Ideas

Today’s blog post is about opportunities to serve communities near and far. It’s only appropriate since Thanksgiving is right around the corner! As a Bridgeway student, I spend my time focusing on my academics and…

Nov 14 | 4 min read | New to Homeschooling Tips & Ideas

If you’ve been in the homeschooling world for any length of time, you’ve no doubt heard of Apologia. Best known for their rich, Bible-based science curriculum that includes interactive notebooks, Apologia is one of the…

Nov 10 | 2 min read | Curriculum New to Homeschooling

It’s fall, and with the leaves changing, candy corn calling, and Christmas looming, Thanksgiving can be lost in the shuffle. Retail stores jump from Halloween to Christmas in a span of a few days. Each…

Did you know Facebook was founded in 2004? Or that MySpace (may it rest in peace) was the forerunner? Or that cell phones were giant boxes with big antennas? Within my lifetime, technology has changed.…

There is No Need to Panic It’s easy to get lost in the transition from middle school to high school. Summer rolls around, and Snapchat is a lot more fun with beach trips and friends…

If you’ve found yourself reading this article, chances are you’re considering (or reconsidering) homeschooling. You may be excited, you may be terrified. Most likely your current school isn’t working for some reason. Your kids aren’t…

Oct 17 | 3 min read | New to Homeschooling Tips & Ideas