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How to Apply to College for Homeschoolers

by Abby Parnell | Feb 21, 2017 | 2 min read

I remember applying to colleges like it was yesterday. I remember the excitement of online college searching, the Google image searches of college campuses, and the long phone calls with admissions counselors. Choosing a college is, in many cases, the most important decision of your life thus far. There are so many things to take into account and so many colleges from which to choose. It can be hard to figure out where to start. So here are my important tips for homeschoolers as they apply to college.

How to Apply to College

  1. Create a “CommonApp” account. Many colleges have switched to using the CommonApp because it makes the application process a LOT easier. You fill out one online application that is available every time you apply to college.
  2. If you haven’t already, make a College Board account. The College Board is a useful tool for many reasons. First off, it is where you will sign up for—and receive—your SAT results. You will use College Board to send your SAT scores to the CommonApp, and when you apply to colleges not included on the CommonApp.
  3. The College Board website also has a great tool called “College Search.” College Search lets you put in filters like Type of School, Location, Size, Majors, Tuition Cost and more to make it easy finding colleges that fit your needs! If you have any idea what you want in a college, start here! Plus, it shows you which schools will waive the college application fee! 
  4.  Don’t be afraid to ask questions. If you want to know something about a college, call the admissions office and ask them! Not only will you get the answer more quickly, the school admissions office will also know that you’re interested and serious about the school! In some cases, this may even boost your chances of getting into that college.
  5. Pay attention to important dates! When you apply to college, remember that a deadline is a deadline. Submitting something late can be a huge strike against your application. Put important dates into your planner and make sure you are completing everything in a timely manner!
  6. Create a college timeline! This timeline should have dates marked from September all the way to National College Decision Day on May 1! Make sure to input application dates, letters of recommendation, SAT test dates and early decision timelines! Having all of this planned out will help ease stress and enable success.

I hope these were helpful tips! College is the best time of your life, even if getting there is a little stressful! If you’re a Bridgeway student, your advisor can also be very helpful in figuring these things out! Just call your advisor to help you create your resume, write you a letter of recommendation, and send out your transcripts! I had my advisor send out  17 total transcripts. They really are here to help as you apply to college!

Abby Parnell
Abby graduated from Bridgeway in 2014 and was one of the first students to participate in our dual enrollment program through DeSales University. She is currently studying to be a physician's assistant at Valparaiso University. Her hobbies include playing instruments, reading, and physical fitness.
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