Homeschooling Resources at Your Fingertips

Category: Learning Styles

For Mia Amador, Veterans Day is extra special. An 11-year-old student with Bridgeway Academy, Mia knows that Veterans Day is a national holiday that honors people like her dad, Master Chief Petty Officer Dennis Amador,…

Nov 11 | 3 min read | Learning Styles

When the private school Ella Crawford was attending decided to implement Common Core, mom Holly knew it was time for a change. “I tried for so many years to build her self-esteem,” Holly says. “Common…

Oct 26 | 3 min read | Learning Styles

Online learning is here to stay, and the benefits are proven. But, if you are new to online homeschool courses, taking the leap to going online can be daunting. We all know that when it…

As homeschoolers, we’re always in search of the best fit for our students because we know that individualizing learning is the best way to engage and help our kids love learning. Online learning has been…

Ready. Take your mark. Get set. “GO!” Athletes from around the world have gathered to hear those words this Olympic season. In fact, many have dedicated their lives to it. These athletes all share similar…

Aug 23 | 2 min read | Learning Styles

A great benefit of homeschooling is that your students will have ample opportunity, and time, to explore the creative arts. At a time when public and private schools are limiting the arts because of funding…

“Trust and Never Quit.” This is Bridgeway Academy senior, Taylor Lawson’s favorite life quote. She knows it takes determination, willpower, and faith to make it as a Top Level 10 Gymnast, and she has applied those…

Aug 05 | 2 min read | Bridgeway News Learning Styles

You’re an athlete, which means the month of August most likely brings a huge smile to your face and a flutter to your heart. We know you’re as excited for the Olympic season as any…

Jul 29 | 3 min read | Learning Styles

When we hear the word “summer,” we often think of popsicles, firefly catching, poolside days, and school free vacations that bring our family together and remind us of our own childhood summers. Many of us…

Jun 07 | 3 min read | Curriculum Learning Styles Tips & Ideas

One of the things we love about homeschooling with Bridgeway is the option to interact with other students and have a teacher through live online classes called Learning Labs! There are a lot of great…

You’re at the top of your game and your dreams of being an elite athlete as your chosen college is within reach. Training and learning are like breathing for you, and you’re working hard to…

Apr 29 | 2 min read | Learning Styles

“Mom! I need a break!” As homeschooling parents we may hear this a thousand times a day from our students and may be tempted to think they’re just trying to get out of spelling or…