Homeschooling Resources at Your Fingertips

Category: Learning Styles

Back-to-school season is simultaneously rejoiced over and feared by many parents of kids who have ADD/ADHD or Sensory Processing Disorders (SPD). While we’re excited to have them back in a formal routine, learning new things,…

With public schools in Philadelphia struggling to find money to open their doors this September, and parents across the nation raising questions about new Common Core standards, the spotlight on homeschooling education has never been…

Aug 15 | 3 min read | Learning Styles Tips & Ideas

Homeschooling has many faces and there are so many different types of homeschoolers: full-time, part-time, accelerated, high school, online. The list goes on and on! Aside from being able to take back control of your…

Many homeschooling families have been committed homeschoolers from the beginning. They knew they wanted to educate their children at home and pursued that option from the get go. Others, however, stumble into homeschooling looking for…

As a mom with multiple students who each have their own distinct learning style, I’m always looking for creative ways to keep them occupied without having to be constantly looking over their shoulder! Technology has…

When a homeschooling parent thinks about summer camp, it can often feel like they’re farming their kids out or sending them away from the home. But if parents look for a summer camp with the…

Even though it is considered by some to be the best in the world, higher education in the United States is in a dire state. More and more students are finding themselves underprepared for college…

Jun 03 | < 1 min read | Learning Styles New to Homeschooling

I always knew I was going to send my daughter to college. That’s every parent’s dream, right? To see your child grow and succeed, eventually creating a life of their own and excelling beyond your…

May 30 | 4 min read | Learning Styles Tips & Ideas

Many of us have heard the term Virtual Learning Environment (VLE) by now; in fact, most homeschoolers today are involved in virtual classrooms in one way or another. With VLE’s, course information, learning materials, and…

“How much homework should I give my child if we do our schooling from home?” is a frequent question for many families who have chosen the homeschool path. Often parents come to realize, if they…

If you have experience educating a special needs child, you know, or at least suspect, that children labeled as “learning disabled” possess certain strengths that far exceed those of an average or even advanced student.…

Apr 14 | 3 min read | Learning Struggles Learning Styles