Homeschooling Resources at Your Fingertips

Category: New to Homeschooling

Did you know that there are an estimated 2.3 million homeschoolers in the United States? That makes the U.S. the leader in homeschooling nations around the world. But it’s starting to catch on internationally as…

Aug 01 | 2 min read | New to Homeschooling

Are you a part of a homeschool co-op and it just doesn’t feel right? Do you come back from it every week exhausted, disappointed, and wondering if you should try something else? Even if it…

Jul 30 | 2 min read | New to Homeschooling Tips & Ideas

You may have seen our comprehensive list of famous homeschoolers and wondered why and when they were homeschooled. Turns out, many of them chose to be educated at home for the same reasons you decided…

Jul 25 | 8 min read | New to Homeschooling Tips & Ideas

Homeschool co-op…maybe you’ve heard that phrase tossed around among your homeschooling friends. Or, maybe you read it on some homeschooling blog or overheard someone talking about it in the waiting room of the orthodontist and…

Jul 23 | 3 min read | New to Homeschooling Tips & Ideas

Homeschooling is hard enough, but homeschooling, multiple students of different ages…that’s a real challenge. You may have a first grader who is just learning to read, a second grader who’s trying to understand multiplication and…

Jun 25 | 3 min read | New to Homeschooling Tips & Ideas

You and your high school senior have worked hard through high school. They know how to solve a quadratic equation and that the mitochondria is the powerhouse of the cell. They can do research and…

Jun 20 | 3 min read | New to Homeschooling Tips & Ideas

As any parent knows, there’s a lot to juggle when it comes to our kids’ lives. Throw homeschooling into the mix and there’s even more to balance between school and life: proper paperwork for the…

May 16 | 4 min read | New to Homeschooling Tips & Ideas

It’s summertime, and you’ve decided to take the plunge! I don’t mean in the neighborhood pool (although that is probably on your schedule!) — I mean you have decided that summer school is a good…

Apr 25 | 2 min read | Curriculum New to Homeschooling

According to George Gershwin and DuBose Heyward, it’s “Summertime, an’ the livin’ is easy.” So why would you want to spend summertime in school? To some students, the thought of taking classes in the summer…

When you first start homeschooling, it’s easy to think, “I can do this all myself.” You get caught up in the excitement of researching courses, putting lesson plans together, planning out engaging activities and field…

Whether you’re a first-time homeschooler or you’re a seasoned textbook homeschooler, crossing over into online homeschooling can be different and challenging for many reasons. That’s why we’re here to help you learn how to homeschool…

Some parents approach homeschooling with fear and trepidation, others with excitement and enthusiasm. Some may feel backed into a corner with no other options, while others look forward to homeschool as a way to invest in…

Feb 28 | 8 min read | New to Homeschooling Tips & Ideas