Homeschooling Resources at Your Fingertips

Category: New to Homeschooling

When you choose to homeschool, you may feel as though you’re out on an island doing the uncommon. But, the truth is, you’re in great company! From elite athletes to politicians to artists, famous homeschoolers…

Feb 28 | 5 min read | New to Homeschooling Tips & Ideas

What kind of homeschooling teacher do you want to be? I remember my favorite teacher. Miss McCullough was my fifth grade teacher and she was amazing! She loved to pour herself into us. She was…

Feb 28 | 2 min read | New to Homeschooling Tips & Ideas

Life can be challenging, even for our children (wait, especially for our children). There are times in our kids’ lives when we choose to stay the course, despite struggles, and reap the character benefits of…

Jan 31 | 3 min read | New to Homeschooling

I am sure you have heard it all before — “Mom, do we have to read now?” “I’m bored!” “I don’t want to read another book.” Somehow, as the temperature goes down, the complaints rise!…

Jan 18 | 3 min read | New to Homeschooling Tips & Ideas

You are probably familiar with the phrase, “Don’t change horses in midstream.” That may be good advice in some situations, but when it comes to your child’s education, a change may be necessary. If your…

Jan 10 | 3 min read | New to Homeschooling

It seems like yesterday that I was sitting at my desk, reading through assignments and textbooks. We only had one computer and I had to share it with the family, so time online was limited.…

Nov 27 | 2 min read | Learning Styles New to Homeschooling

“Turkey Day” is nigh upon us. What does the Thanksgiving holiday mean to you? For some, it means a day or two off work. For parents of college freshman students, it means welcoming their teens…

Oct 30 | 3 min read | New to Homeschooling Tips & Ideas

I have a confession to make: I dropped out of college after my freshman year. Although the cost of a college education is high, the cost of losing that life opportunity is much higher, and…

Oct 22 | 4 min read | New to Homeschooling Tips & Ideas

The school year is in full swing, and while we enjoy the curriculum we’ve chosen for the year, sometimes you just need a change of pace. But who wants to spend endless time searching or…

Oct 15 | 2 min read | New to Homeschooling Tips & Ideas

I googled “educational apps” and within 0.51 seconds received 3.6 billion results! Yes, I said 3.6 billion! What an incentive to throw up my hands and refuse to enter this forest. On the other hand,…

I grew up in a small town in New Jersey named Oakland. There was good reason for its name: there were trees all over the town. I can think back (a long ways) to those…

Oct 01 | 4 min read | New to Homeschooling Tips & Ideas

For most of us, school is on, which means we are back in the books and getting used to our new year, curriculum, and routines. No doubt you’ve been surfing the web for what you…

Sep 17 | 3 min read | Curriculum New to Homeschooling