Homeschooling Resources at Your Fingertips

Category: Tips & Ideas

Homeschooling is an exciting and flexible educational option that more than 6 million homeschoolers in the US alone are taking advantage of for good reason. The benefits of homeschooling are boundless, and the dedication, time…

It’s almost the end of the year and many of you are counting the days until the summer begins. While most homeschoolers get out of bed just dreaming of days when they can sleep later, there’s…

May 02 | 3 min read | Tips & Ideas

Have you ever felt that the one-size-fits-all approach to education isn’t working for your child with ASD? Your child perceives and interacts with the world uniquely and, thus, needs a unique approach to education. There…

Apr 25 | 4 min read | Learning Struggles Tips & Ideas

True confession time: I love history. I love history so much that I have a degree in it! The majority of the books in my personal library are historical studies, biographies, or historical fiction. I…

Jeni Wollenhaupt’s passion for teaching reaches deeply into the families she serves as one of Bridgeway Academy’s highly qualified academic advisors. “She is an amazing person,” one of the parents of her students said during…

Apr 14 | 4 min read | Tips & Ideas

Easter is by far my favorite holiday. Redemption, freedom, and joy all found their true meaning and foundation on the hill at Calvary. There’s no lesson I love more, no story greater to tell than…

Apr 12 | 2 min read | Curriculum Tips & Ideas

Maintaining the attention of younger students is often the most challenging thing homeschool parents face, and this blended learning program is the answer! This week was the debut of our Elementary Blended Learning Program which is…

Now that school kids are on Spring Break many families are likely hitting the road for a much-needed vacation. There are some fun and easy ways to incorporate learning into your trip. Traveling is one…

Apr 03 | 2 min read | Learning Styles Tips & Ideas

Spring is almost here (can you hear the birds each morning yet?) and, along with the flowers that will spring from the earth, we will “spring” our clocks ahead for Daylight Saving Time on March…

Homeschool parents love their choice for many reasons, including the ability to choose how and when children learn. Because homeschoolers have more time and can focus on the individual needs, homeschool children are often ahead of…

Mar 03 | 3 min read | Tips & Ideas

I remember applying to colleges like it was yesterday. I remember the excitement of online college searching, the Google image searches of college campuses, and the long phone calls with admissions counselors. Choosing a college…

Feb 21 | 2 min read | New to Homeschooling Tips & Ideas

People ask me about homeschool socialization all the time. As a former homeschooler, my friends who were not homeschooled are often surprised that I’m not “socially awkward.” What’s strange is that it’s not just the traditionally schooled…

Feb 03 | 3 min read | Tips & Ideas