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Life can be challenging, even for our children (wait, especially for our children). There are times in our kids’ lives when we choose to stay the course, despite struggles, and reap the character benefits of…

Jan 31, 2019 | 3 min read | New to Homeschooling

Another year is here, and with that comes a homeschooler’s dream: homeschool convention season! Well, that might not quite be your dream, but for many parents, it’s a place where they go to learn about…

Jan 24, 2019 | 3 min read | Tips & Ideas

I am sure you have heard it all before — “Mom, do we have to read now?” “I’m bored!” “I don’t want to read another book.” Somehow, as the temperature goes down, the complaints rise!…

Jan 18, 2019 | 3 min read | New to Homeschooling, Tips & Ideas

You are probably familiar with the phrase, “Don’t change horses in midstream.” That may be good advice in some situations, but when it comes to your child’s education, a change may be necessary. If your…

Jan 10, 2019 | 3 min read | New to Homeschooling

Life moves so fast. Sometimes I feel like I’m in one of those glass-bottom boats, watching moments slip by like fish under the glass. Each new year makes me feel a little older, and a…

Jan 04, 2019 | 3 min read | Tips & Ideas

As a parent who is considering changing your child’s education and routine, how do you feel? Nervous? Afraid? Concerned? All of those feelings are completely natural in most decisions we make for our kids! I…

Dec 28, 2018 | < 1 min read | Tips & Ideas

In our previous post, Homeschooling During the Holidays, we presented some suggestions to help you get your heart and mind ready for the challenges — and blessings — of the holidays. Now, it’s time to…

Dec 18, 2018 | 2 min read | Tips & Ideas

You have heard (and read and seen on countless radio, TV, and newspaper ads) the phrase, “Home for the Holidays.” You are part of the elite group that approaches this time of year with the…

Dec 06, 2018 | 3 min read | Tips & Ideas

It seems like yesterday that I was sitting at my desk, reading through assignments and textbooks. We only had one computer and I had to share it with the family, so time online was limited.…

Nov 27, 2018 | 2 min read | Learning Styles, New to Homeschooling

Let’s face it — parenting is hard. Not only are you trying to keep other human beings alive, you also want them to grow to their fullest potential and become great individuals within our society,…

Nov 26, 2018 | 3 min read | Tips & Ideas

The “holiday season” is upon us, like it or not. And, like a big hill on a roller coaster, we are about to slide into Thanksgiving, Hanukkah, Christmas, and New Year’s Eve, (and maybe a…

Nov 21, 2018 | 3 min read | Tips & Ideas

I remember the moment clearly. I was sitting at the table with my coffee in my hands, head hung. My son was working on his science at the table and he asked me a question,…

Nov 13, 2018 | 4 min read | Tips & Ideas
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