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With so many changes in technology you are no longer limited to needing to travel for field trips! If the weather is too bad to travel or if it’s to expensive to take your entire…

Dec 11, 2015 | 4 min read | Tips & Ideas

Is your homeschooler getting ready for college?  Do you have questions about what kind of federal aid you might be eligible for?  Over 71% of college students will graduate with student loan debt. What a…

Dec 08, 2015 | 3 min read | Tips & Ideas

Cranberries and marshmallows seem to always find their way into our kitchen this time of year, so why not put them to use in other, fun ways?! Check out some of the fun experiments our…

Dec 04, 2015 | 3 min read | Tips & Ideas

If you’re a homeschooler, then you understand that seeking creative learning opportunities in the larger world is an integral piece of the learning process.  Homeschool field trips are a wonderful gateway to discovery and exploration…

Nov 30, 2015 | 4 min read | Tips & Ideas

Anyone who’s attended a school remembers PE.  Some of us can even remember the garish colored uniforms we had to wear, or the infamous mile run around the track we had to complete when it…

Nov 27, 2015 | 3 min read | New to Homeschooling

The term “homeschooling” has evolved in leaps and bounds over the last few decades. Students who only had a couple curriculum options now have resources with hundreds of publishers and online options! The opportunities are…

Nov 23, 2015 | 2 min read | Curriculum, New to Homeschooling, Tips & Ideas

When the last of the brilliant colored leaves have fallen in November, it’s time to set our sights on Thanksgiving.  Homeschooling families near and far are blessed with an abundance of crafts and projects to…

Nov 20, 2015 | 3 min read | Tips & Ideas

It’s no secret that homeschoolers excel academically.  Yet some critics continue to challenge them on an apparent “lack of homeschool socialization.”  Homeschoolers are often accused of not learning how to live in the “real world.”…

Nov 16, 2015 | 2 min read | Tips & Ideas

Everyone knows that little kids love music.  But did you know that preschoolers exposed to music benefit from increased math abilities, heightened appreciation for beauty, and higher SAT scores?  In fact, studies prove that children…

Nov 13, 2015 | 3 min read | Curriculum, New to Homeschooling

Are you a homeschool family?  If so, you have probably heard the question, “But what about socialization?”  The notorious socialization question, for most homeschoolers, is an amusing one.  The mainstream perception suggests that homeschool students…

Nov 09, 2015 | 2 min read | Tips & Ideas

As homeschoolers, one of our greatest challenges is deciding which courses to include in our curriculum.  For example, what is the best way to integrate music into our program? Do we purchase a music curriculum,…

Nov 06, 2015 | 3 min read | Curriculum, New to Homeschooling, Tips & Ideas

It’s that time of year when we all seem to have extra candy lying around. Instead of eating it all (or sending it to work with dad) why not use some of it to experiment…

Nov 02, 2015 | 4 min read | Curriculum, Tips & Ideas
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