Homeschooling Resources at Your Fingertips

Why Homeschooling May Be Right for Your Family

by David Engle | Aug 02, 2023 | 6 min read

We’re in the middle of the dog days of summer, and a new school year is on the horizon. For many students, this time of year brings on the anxiety and anticipation of starting a new grade and all the challenges that presents. For many parents, this time of year brings a different type of anxiety–the worry that they’re not providing their child with the best education possible. If you’re in that boat (and yes, that boat is pretty crowded), you may be wondering if homeschooling is right for your family. Only you know for sure. Below, we present some scenarios for you. And uif you find yourself agreeing or relating to these scenarios, homeschooling may be right for your family.

Scenario #1: You Aren’t Thrilled with Public or Private School Education

To many people in this country, schools simply aren’t what they used to be. A 2022 Gallup poll found that only 42% of Americans are satisfied with the nation’s K-12 school system, the lowest mark in at least 20 years. The survey also revealed that only 9% of respondents are completely satisfied, 23% are completely dissatisfied, and 32% are somewhat dissatisfied. This means that more than twice as many Americans are completely dissatisfied as completely satisfied with the state of the country’s education system. The reasons for this disillusionment with U.S. schools vary.

  • Schools are teaching (or not teaching) what parents think their children should be learning. You can probably agree with this statement regardless of which side of the political aisle you’re on. Whether it’s history lessons on race, discussions about gender, or any other hot-button topic, many parents are fed up with schools dictating what kids should be learning, and at what age they should be learning it. Just look at Florida, where both conservatives and liberals are angry about what’s being taught, what’s being revised, and what’s being removed from classrooms in the Sunshine State.
  • Teacher shortages are not helping matters. Since 2020, well more than a half million teachers and education workers quit their jobs. And since schools haven’t been able to fill all of these open positions, students are suffering the consequences. Overcrowded classrooms, more behavior disruptions, and even less individualized attention, just to name a few.
  • The one-size-fits-all education simply doesn’t work for many families. Every child learns in their own unique way and at their own pace. Public and private schools do not take that into consideration. If a student falls behind, so be it. No child deserves that treatment. But sometimes that’s the way it goes in public and private schools.

The bottom line is, more and more families want a break from the country’s school system. And an attractive alternative is homeschooling, which may be right for your family.

Scenario #2: You’re Nervous About Sending Your Child to School

Some parents fear sending their children to school. Between fights, school violence, and bullying, it’s not surprising. And with more and more kids acting out since returning to school post-COVID, these seem to be always increasing. It’s no coincidence that bullying at school decreased dramatically during the pandemic, especially when students were learning remotely. Of course, cyberbullying can occur at any time, but removing a child from a dangerous and traumatic situation can certainly help. And that is why many families opt to homeschool–for the safety of their children. A 2019 survey by the National Center for Education Statistics found that more than 80% of parents chose “a concern about school environment, such as safety, drugs, or negative peer pressure” as one of the reasons they decided to homeschool their child.

Scenario #3: Your Schedule Requires More Flexibility

Public and private school schedules are rigid. Kids must be at school at a certain time, in school for a certain amount of time, and dismissed at a certain time. But not all families operate around that type of schedule. Many have parents who work late nights or multiple jobs. Other families travel frequently. Yet others have exceptionally talented performers or athletes who require dozens of hours of training each week. Whatever the situation, homeschooling may be right for you if this sounds like what your family deals with.

Of course, these are not requirements families must meet in order to homeschool. Some families just prefer to do things differently. Some prefer to have school outside on a nice day. Many believe that a field trip is an even better educational experience than sitting in a classroom with 25 other students. Others want to do school on their own time when it’s best for everyone in the family. Whatever the motivation, homeschooling allows you that freedom.

Scenario #4: Your Child Is Either Advanced or Has a Learning Disability

Yes, this scenario focuses on both ends of the spectrum. But when it comes to homeschooling either an advanced child or a child with a learning disability, the rationale is the same. How? Think about a child with a learning disability. Often, these children need to spend more time on a particular subject in order to fully master a skill or concept. You know your that child doesn’t get that kind of time or attention in a public or private school, where lesson plans and when they’re delivered must be strictly adhered to in order to finish the school year on time. That is a disservice to children who require more review or explanation of a concept before the child truly grasps it. With homeschooling, you have as much time as you need to ensure your child is fully understanding the lesson before moving on.

Conversely, your student may be an algebra whiz or an expert speller. They may only take one lesson to master the concepts being taught. When you homeschool, you can move right along if your child has the subject matter down pat. In a public or private school, teachers must finish the lesson and give out homework assignments, and administer a quiz or test–all of which could stretch for days, if not weeks. What’s in it for the child who already knows the material? Boredom, mostly.

Why Homeschooling with Bridgeway Academy May Be Right for You

Homeschooling on your own is a wonderful experience. It’s not easy, but millions of parents around the world homeschool their children without much help. However, when you have a homeschooling partner like Bridgeway Academy, you and your child can make the most of the experience. That’s because we offer:

  • Support. Yes, even the most experienced homeschoolers need support from time to time. Our academic advisors are teachers and former homeschoolers who understand the challenges and rewards of homeschooling. They are always available and happy to answer your questions and offer you tips and techniques to better explain concepts to your child. We also offer our families access to an exclusive website full of helpful resources and online tutorials.
  • Emphasis on learning styles. Bridgeway Academy has developed a unique learning and personality style assessment that gives you insight into how your child learns best. The results allow us to tailor the curriculum to your child’s individual strengths and challenges.
  • Specialized academic tracks. Bridgeway offers technical/vocational, academic, college preparatory, honors and Advanced Placement, Dual Enrollment college courses, and the ability to receive an associate’s degree while still in high school!
  • Award-winning curriculum. Bridgeway gives homeschoolers of all ages the tools to become independent learners. That means a curriculum with built-in creativity, flexibility, fun, and individual challenges, along with easy-to-follow guides for both students and parents. And we’re proud winners of’s Back to Homeschool Award for best all-in-one curriculum in 2021!
  • Teacher assistance. Our Homeschool Instructor’s Guides provide day-by-day pacing, notes for parents, and ideas to take learning further. From websites to interactive activities to hands-on projects and critical-thinking activities, we’ve done the planning for you.
  • Reliability. We’ve been around for more than three decades and are here for you every step of the way.

Whatever your reason for looking into homeschooling, just know that there is no wrong decision. Only you know what is best for your child, and homeschooling may be right for your family. If so, we’d love to partner with you! Give us a call at (888) 303-7512 to speak to an experienced education consultant about homeschooling with Bridgeway Academy!

David Engle
Hello, and thanks for reading! I’m David Engle--dad, husband, sports fan, and writer/editor. As a father for the last 18 years (father of two for the last 14), I consider myself to be pretty well-versed in all things related to education, childhood, and parenting, and I'm thankful for the opportunity to share some insights and knowledge with fellow parents. I have been a professional writer and editor for a quarter of a century (it pains me to admit that) and have been writing in the educational space for a number of those years. I reside in southern New Jersey with my wife, two kids, two dogs, and three cats. Never a dull moment.
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