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Fall is one of the best seasons to be a homeschool student. The flexibility of the curriculum and daily planning means you can experiment with fun activities to really engage your child. There’s so many…

Oct 27, 2014 | 3 min read | New to Homeschooling, Tips & Ideas

We all want our kids to be prepared for their future, so helping them become tech-savvy is critical. But, how do you involve more technology in your homeschooling day without compromising learning? Get the most…

Oct 24, 2014 | 2 min read | New to Homeschooling, Tips & Ideas

Including Grandparents in Homeschooling While homeschooling is the fastest growing alternative education model in the world at the moment, the concept is still foreign to many, especially grandparents. shares some helpful advice on how…

Oct 19, 2014 | 3 min read | Learning Styles, New to Homeschooling, Tips & Ideas

It’s a common theme among homeschooling parents: you get so focused on the day to day curriculum and activities that you can often become frustrated easily and start falling into some bad habits. Maybe your…

Oct 18, 2014 | 2 min read | New to Homeschooling, Tips & Ideas

Each night my mother would put us into bed at 7:15pm and we would read for an hour. “Books in bed” time was my favorite part of the day and one of the best gifts…

Oct 10, 2014 | 4 min read | New to Homeschooling, Tips & Ideas

Refresh your homeschool room and routine with these back to school articles and tips from great homeschooling and education websites. Tips for Success — If you’re new to homeschooling and want to lay the best…

Oct 01, 2014 | < 1 min read | Learning Styles, Tips & Ideas

Public cyber-charter schools sound like an inexpensive alternative to homeschooling, but when parents make the shift — complete with standardized testing, mandated hours, and government regulation — they quickly miss the freedom and flexibility that…

Sep 30, 2014 | < 1 min read | Learning Styles, New to Homeschooling, Tips & Ideas

In case you missed it, a New Jersey family was shocked to find their local school district was forcing them to adhere to Common Core standards in their state if they chose to homeschool. In…

Sep 29, 2014 | < 1 min read | New to Homeschooling

I was lucky when I started homeschooling. I had a few friends and some local families who had either been considering it or were actively homeschooling. So when I started with my youngest, I was…

Sep 25, 2014 | 4 min read | Tips & Ideas

Back to school is an exciting yet busy time of year. We start off with such high expectations and hopes of what we can and will accomplish. But if your house is like mine, soon…

Sep 19, 2014 | 3 min read | Tips & Ideas

I think all homeschoolers are pretty extraordinary. Because it’s hard to be a homeschooler. It’s hard to say, “I believe I can do this better and I believe there is a better way. And it’s…

Sep 17, 2014 | 3 min read | New to Homeschooling, Tips & Ideas

In part two of Jessica’s 7 Keys To Homeschool Success, we focus on listening and adapting to your child through the day to keep them engaged and eager to learn. And in case you missed…

Sep 10, 2014 | 4 min read | Tips & Ideas
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