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You’re at the top of your game and your dreams of being an elite athlete as your chosen college is within reach. Training and learning are like breathing for you, and you’re working hard to…

Apr 29, 2016 | 2 min read | Learning Styles

Perhaps no subject gives homeschooling parents more angst than math. Even math lovers understand that there are many ways to present mathematical concepts and the key to unlocking math for students depends upon how they…

Apr 26, 2016 | 2 min read | Curriculum

The big day is right around the corner. And for a homeschool graduation, that day has even more significant meaning than for a typical high school graduate. Why? Because you cannot take that walk and…

Apr 22, 2016 | 3 min read | Tips & Ideas

Imagine this scene: you’re walking with your child, hand-in-hand, when you hear a loud noise or wailing. Instantly you both turn toward the sound to find a child with autism screaming or raging, struggling with…

Apr 19, 2016 | 3 min read | Tips & Ideas

Earth day is right around the corner, and with it a chance to celebrate and explore God’s creation in new and exciting ways. But, earth day activities can get boring and stale as the years…

Apr 12, 2016 | 2 min read | New to Homeschooling, Tips & Ideas

Parenting a child with autism spectrum disorder is a gift, but can be very challenging and isolating. During Autism Awareness Month, we want to bring attention to one particularly difficult area, motivation. Encouraging any student…

Apr 08, 2016 | 3 min read | Learning Struggles, New to Homeschooling, Tips & Ideas

Much to our joy spring, with its warmth, beauty and color, has finally arrived. New life is emerging out of its long winter slumber. Last week I took a walk with my children and noticed…

Apr 05, 2016 | 2 min read | New to Homeschooling, Tips & Ideas

Spring is here, with its sunny weather and warmer days, which means summer is right around the corner. For many homeschoolers this season also comes with a side of spring fever for parents and students…

Apr 01, 2016 | 3 min read | New to Homeschooling, Tips & Ideas

A lot can happen in 3 days. There’s never been a more important event in the history of mankind than the Resurrection Day of Jesus Christ. His sacrifice enables us to have a deep, eternal…

Mar 24, 2016 | 2 min read | New to Homeschooling, Tips & Ideas

“Mom! I need a break!” As homeschooling parents we may hear this a thousand times a day from our students and may be tempted to think they’re just trying to get out of spelling or…

Easter is right around the corner and your kids are most likely dreaming of egg hunts, Resurrection egg devotions, and all things candy! While holiday seasons are fun and memorable, the buzz in the house…

Mar 15, 2016 | 2 min read | Curriculum, Tips & Ideas

Writing is one of those skills that’s essential but often viewed with dread by many homeschooling families. And there’s an easy way to make writing a chore, stick with essays, paragraphs, and expository sentences. But,…

Mar 11, 2016 | 3 min read | New to Homeschooling, Tips & Ideas
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