Kansas State Laws
Homeschooling Laws, Information, and Resources for Kansas
If you’re living in Kansas and are looking into homeschooling, you’re in the right place! This page provides the resources and information you need to determine whether homeschooling in the Sunflower State is right for you.
Summary of Kansas Homeschool Laws
Knowing the requirements for homeschooling in Kansas is one key to successful homeschooling. Below is a summary of the homeschool laws in the state of Kansas. You can find additional information on Home School Legal Defense Association’s (HSLDA) website as well: Kansas HSLDA Reference
Homeschooling as a non-accredited private school. This is the only homeschooling option for families in Kansas. See below for the steps you need to take when homeschooling your child.
Homeschooling as a non-accredited private school. Here are the requirements for homeschooling your child in Kansas as a non-accredited private school.
- Register your private school under a name of your choosing. You will need to provide the school name and your address to the State Board of Education (keep a copy of the registration for your own records). Important: always refer to your homeschool as a private school when dealing with school or government officials.
- Select a “competent” instructor, which may include you if you’re teaching your child.
- Teach for the required period, which is approximately the same period of time as public schools–around 186 days.
- There are no “required” subjects to teach, but it’s advisable to teach similar subjects as the public school. These usually include: reading, writing, math, geography, spelling, English grammar and composition, civil government, US and Kansas history, patriotism and duties of a citizen, health, and hygiene.
- Plan and schedule your instruction.
- Test your student periodically.
Here you’ll find websites for any questions you may have about education in the state of Kansas.
- State Department of Education: https://www.ksde.org/
- Kansas National Education Association: https://www.kneaweb.org/
- Kansas Association of School Boards: https://www.kasb.org/296995_2
- List of Kansas school districts: https://ballotpedia.org/List_of_school_districts_in_Kansas
Whether you already homeschool in Kansas or are looking to do so, these resources are quite useful if you’re searching for support, co-ops, or answers to questions about homeschooling in your state.
- Heritage Homeschoolers Liberal, KS: https://www.facebook.com/groups/liberalhomeschoolers/
- Kansas Home Educators: https://www.kshomeeducators.com/
- KC Circle: https://kccircle.wordpress.com/
- Midwest Parent Educators: https://midwesthomeschoolers.org/
- Newton Area Homeschoolers: https://www.facebook.com/groups/134154026677278/
- Teaching Effective Academics in Christian Homes (TEACH): https://teachhomeschool.blogspot.com/
- Topeka Homeschoolers: https://www.facebook.com/groups/149267341757773/?fth=1
- Unschoolers of Kansas City: https://www.facebook.com/groups/275615852579450/
- Vine & Branches Homeschool Enrichment Group: https://www.opendoorinfo.org/vine-and-branches
One of the many benefits of homeschooling is the flexibility to explore! Here are some ideas for amazing–and educational–field trips around the great state of Kansas!
- Amelia Earhart Birthplace Museum: Atchison, KS
- Cedar Cove Feline Conservatory: Louisburg, KS
- Children’s Museum of Kansas City: Kansas City, KS
- David Traylor Zoo of Emporia: Emporia, KS
- Dwight D. Eisenhower Presidential Center: Abilene, KS
- Ernie Miller Nature Center: Olathe, KS
- Exploration Place: Wichita, KS
- Hutchinson Zoo: Hutchinson, KS
- Judith Lennox Sabatini ArtLab: Topeka, KS
- Kansas Museum of History: Topeka, KS
- Kansas Museum of Military History: Augusta, KS
- Kansas State University Insect Zoo: Manhattan, KS
- Lee Richardson Zoo: Garden City, KS
- Mid-America All Indian Center: Wichita, KS
- Milford Nature Center: Junction City, KS
- Museum of World Treasures: Wichita, KS
- Rolling Hills Wildlife Adventure: Salina, KS
- Sedgwick County Zoo: Wichita, KS
- Sternberg Museum of Natural History: Hays, KS
- Sunset Zoological Park: Manhattan, KS
- Tanganyika Wildlife Park: Goddard, KS
- Topeka Zoo: Topeka, KS
- University of Kansas Natural History Museum: Lawrence, KS
- Wonderscope Children’s Museum: Shawnee, KS